Relationships That Approach Discordance Without Criticism

But, beyond one or two drinks, relaxation quickly turns sour: 'As the concentration in the blood and brain increases, judgment is impaired and motor skills decline while risky behaviour increases, along with memory and concentration problems, emotional volatility, loss of coordination, including slurred speech, and confusion. The National Eye Institute …

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A Step In The Right Direction

If you are a perfectionist, you are guaranteed to be a loser in whatever you do2. I had decided to act intentionally slow during the onset as I was observing so much reactionary behaviour and I wanted to ensure that whatever action I took was intentional and met people where …

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Play The Game

However, now I'm offering this article to provide the best tools I know to school staff to help kids who need something different from the customary prescriptions of counseling or disciplinary action. You will be able to bounce back quickly after hitting an obstacle or having an issue. If you …

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What Do You Need To Feel Safe?

Every time a hardwired belief or positive thought about alcohol pops into your head, stop yourself, identify the thought (see it clearly for what it is), challenge it, remind yourself of the truth and then reframe it. Cervical dilation during labor is determined by a digital vaginal examination from your …

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Identify Your Qualities

By having everyone express themselves through nonviolent communication, situations are resolved well before anger has built up to the point of an outburst. Our ability to focus that awareness, our ability to see things differently, is one of the keys to our personal freedom. Now we were winding cautiously into …

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What Do You Want To Get Done Today?

They often present differently in older people because they rarely have the typical symptoms of a high fever or pain, especially when urinating. Everything we say, or think, has the potential to either heal us or harm us. What do you do when this person is dying and, because there …

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She Is So Mean

I'm pushing a message that can work side by side with the Manage risk, be responsible message, but this one offers so much more. He then pointed to a small area in the corner, beside the stage. One great way to bring more wealth and happiness into your life is …

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Another Obstacle To Decision

He got to play baseball when he was a boy, and he also learned to fly the crop-dusting planes. Whenever I say that to my students, they know it's time for an exercise. However, parents can't decide whether a child's concerns are legitimate when they frequently invalidate their kids' emotions …

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Where Are You Now?

It can either be something that helps them reach the goals that they have set for themselves, or they can fall into temptation and choose the action that has instant gratification. In order for you to find your path back to your authentic self, you must become aware of these …

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The Cherry On Top

Imagine you are having a conversation with someone, and it is going nowhere. As shared in the stories throughout these articles, the differentiation and individuation - which led to lasting and life-altering changes - came from these alternative works of hypnotherapy, energy healing, EMDR, trauma yoga, and sound healings. Issued during the …

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Managing Your Thoughts

Once you see how happy these kids actually are, you kind of feel guilty about complaining about a rainy day at home. You will need to counter the negative self-talk with a lot of positive selftalk. I have even had people I've assessed in jail tell me they're depressed after …

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Common Questions About Anger

Of course, our thinking minds will still be wanting all of our attention, but it really helps to notice this tendency with compassion, and gently bring our awareness back to our feet and the attempt to tread delicately on the earth. A low histamine suggests that the person is over-methylating …

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Setting A Consequence

For years I've followed a nightly follow-up routine that I call Daily Questions, in which I have someone call me wherever I am in the world and listen while I answer a specific set of questions that I have written for myself. Those suffering from depression are already poised to …

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Inner Work = Outer Change

Having the psoas in a constantly shortened position tricks the brain into thinking we are in a chronic state of danger, heightening anxiety and stress in addition to tensing and dehydrating the psoas. So I believe that it's much more important to understand how and why particular types of practice …

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Say Its Easy, But Its Not

Imagine how often this has occurred in the past and still occurs in the present, and how many secrets of indigenous cultures have been lost to us because of this outsider approach. If you find that your child's anxiety is affecting their decision-making, reduce the number of choices. The causal …

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